
Kicking World Blog

North Texas Kicking Camp 7-26-08 RE-CAP

We had the University of North Texas kicking camp at Fouts Field yesterday in Denton, Texas. Watch this video testimonial from one of the standout high school kickers who attended the Texas kicking camp:

We had the University of North Texas kicking camp at Fouts Field yesterday in Denton, Texas. I took a tour of the UNT campus the day before the camp and was thoroughly impressed with the updated facility and all they have goung on at the school. Their football team is on the rise and they got a new coach who should be cranking up the program quickly. The camp was a success and we had a lot of great talent there. The temperature read 105 degrees outside the stadium but on that field turf stadium I believe it was over 115 degrees! While the temperature was hot, I believe the kicking talent was hotter!

Robert S. won the ‘most accurate field goal kicker’ award for the 15+ year old competition group. He won a pair of Coreshorts compression shorts. Garret C. won the under 15 year old competition group and won the UNT logo apparel. He is only 13 years old and kicked as well as most high school upper-classmen! Ian M. won the most accurate punter award and won the kicking world logo apparel. Everyone did well in both the instruction portion of the camp and the competition.

At the end of the camp every parent spoke with me and/or e-mailed me how much of a good time their sons had at the camp and how beneficial it was for them in getting ready for the 2008 football season. 3 of the students want to set up private lessons in the near future, so it looks like I might be making a trip back to Texas very soon for a group lesson weekend. If you live in the Texas area and want to take part in the next camp or be a part of the group lesson we are scheduling, please give me a call.

Since it was my first time in Texas, I’ve included some pictures of my trip in Dallas and Denton. My favorite stop was at Rudy’s where I had peppered tenderloin, corn on the cob, and home-made potato salad. Texas sure does everything BIG and I noticed how much pride Texans have in their state by seeing the Texas state flag flown everywhere I went! Also I saw the southern hospitality by the nice and calm demeanor of the people and friendly and helpful attitudes. I enjoyed my trip and anticipate coming back soon.

Watch this video testimonial from one of the standout high school kickers who attended the Texas kicking camp:

-Coach Brent