
Kicking World Blog

Oregon HS Kicker Earns All-State Honors after Major Setback

wyatt hernandez kicker

Wyatt Hernandez, Sisters HS Kicker bounces back from major concussion to earn All-State kicking honors. After 3 days of private training with Coach Brent of Kicking World the HS senior drilled 6 field goals and picked up All-Conference & All-State honors.

I received a phone call this past September – a couple of weeks into the HS football season. On the other line was Mr. & Mrs. Hernandez from Sisters, Oregon who was inquiring about bringing me out to The Beaver State to coach their son who just picked up kicking. It struck me as odd because the season had just begun, and the potential student was a senior.

After hearing more I came to realize that Wyatt had a major concussion last year which not only put him out of football and school for over a year, but it was so severe that it also temporarily took away his speech… for months. Somehow he fought his way back to the football field, but this time it would be as ‘the kicker’ with limited contact and special approval from the school/administration.

With the blessing of his school and football team, The Sisters High School Outlaw strapped up his chinstrap and self-taught his way into kicking a few extra points through the first 2 games of the season. His parents realized he needed some help and reached out to me, and within a week I was off to Sisters, Oregon!

In only 3 days Wyatt and I got to talk a lot about life, high school, challenges, and get a ton accomplished with his kicking. His expectations for the 3 days were not unrealistic and he knew I couldn’t turn him into an Adam Vinatieri overnight. But with professional guidance, form manipulation, and effective kicking drills we were able to get him knocking through field goals and PATs with much more height and a more consistent ball flight. Wyatt finished off the 3 days of training with a ton of confidence and a process to help propel him through the rest of his season.

“The support of my family, girlfriend, teachers, friends, coach, and football team lifted my spirits and helped me to stay positive during this major life obstacle. The whole ordeal certainly tested my will and I’m thankful I was able to overcome it. One positive I learned is that with perseverance and determination you can overcome major challenges.”

Flipping ahead to January 2019, Wyatt’s mom texted me the good news that he made several honors and had a pretty darn good season:

  • 1st Team All-Conference
  • Honorable Mention All-State
  • Team Special Teams MVP
  • 6/6 FGs
  • 12 PATs

His senior kicking stats are a major accomplishment considering the small town football team in Sisters, Oregon rarely attempted a PAT prior to the arrival of ‘the kicker’ Wyatt. Through Wyatt’s hard work and dedication this Fall, and his newly optimized form, Coach Fendall (Sisters HS Head Football Coach) gained enough confidence to rely on his leg for multiple points this season, even drilling 6 of 6 field goals!

Wyatt is now going through the college admissions process and has been accepted into quite a few schools, and is narrowing his choices down. He expects to make a decision sometime soon and hopes to continue kicking in college. We wish him a ton of success and are thankful for Mr. & Mrs. Hernandez for giving Coach Brent and Kicking World the opportunity to meet and work with Wyatt and experience the beautiful town of Sisters, Oregon.

For more info on private training with Kicking World and Coach Brent, check out