Kicking World Blog

2010 USC Kicking Camp Thoughts

The 2010 USC Kicking Camp had several kickers and punters in attendance! The camp participation was had kickers and punters from all over Southern California.

Coach Brent and a handful of Kicking World students attended the USC  Kicking Camp. The 2010 USC Kicking Camp had several kickers and punters in attendance! The camp participation was quite impressive as kickers and punters came from all over California including Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego and even out of state! The kicking camp itself was very long at over 4+ hours. I myself as a kicking coach am very concerned about the amount of balls each participant kicked and punted yesterday. It seemed like many of the kids after the camp were limping off the sidelines obviously due to over-use because of the amount of balls that were kicked. Generally I recommend my kicking students to kick between 40-55 balls a day MAX on a heavy day based on their age, size, and skill level. I believe at the 2010 USC kicking camp most of the participants each kicked and punted well over 75 balls! This could make for many sore hip flexors, groins, and other over-worked muscles. I recommend you all ice up and take it easy until your leg feels back to strength! We firmly believe there is a limit to how much you should kick in one day and it’s important to monitor your kicking volume so you don’t hurt yourself.

Kicking World students fared very well in the kicking camp! One of our students won the kickoff competition for his age group with impressive bombs at 65+ yards! Over half of the Kicking World students placed in the top 3 for field goals and kickoffs in their age group at the USC Kicking Camp! As their private kicking coach I am very proud of my young men and the hard work and great character they exhibited on the field. During and after the camp I had several parents and fans coming up to me asking “Do you coach that kid?!” They wanted to know because there’s something ‘different’ about a Kicking World student.

We not only teach you how to become a better kicker and punter by helping you add more height, consistency, and distance to your ball; but more importantly we teach you how to be great young men with hard work ethics and excellent character that help you stand out from the crowd. I took a lot of pride in watching my young men excel today in the USC Kicking Camp and I feel blessed to have the opportunity to coach each and every one of you! Please keep up the great work and keep representing Kicking World the way you do! Way to work today!